SIUVP (Valencian Public University System of Information) is a project born in 2012 from the collaboration of the 5 Valencian public universities with the aim of offering a complete set of indicators on its activity and results.

SIUVP is a window to the Valencian university activity, through which universities account in a transparent manner to society, for the effectiveness and efficiency achieved in their performance. Students, families, businesses and the general public have access through this web-site to a comprehensive information system that consists of more than 60 indicators which are partially updated twice a year based on the latest available data.

The information in this platform allows the user to know the situation and development of the 5 universities in areas related to the supply and demand of degrees, the academic performance of their students, internationalization, research activity, knowledge transfer to society and economic results of its activity.

SIUVP is a system of indicators reached by the consensus and of 5 universities and the Ivie and shared by them. It is based on the joint work of the 5 universities through holding numerous meetings with technicians and managers from universities, in order to develop a common definition and methodology to provide consistent and comparable information.


Initial Budget(2022) (millions of euros) 234.08 125.59 120.45 447.78 470.08 1,397.98
Bachelor's degrees offered (2021/2022) 48 34 28 46 65 221
Master's degrees offered (2021/2022) 57 40 48 83 104 332
Bachelor's degree students (2021/2022) 22,114 11,585 10,354 20,632 36,575 101,260
Men 9,101 4,923 5,224 12,295 13,506 45,049
Women 13,013 6,662 5,130 8,337 23,069 55,211
Master's degree students (2021/2022) 2,232 1,427 2,163 5,554 6,216 17,592
Men 1,006 532 975 3,394 2,436 8,343
Women 1,226 895 1,188 2,160 3,780 9,249
PhD's students (2021/2022) 1,637 958 735 2,525 4,746 10,601
Men 815 421 366 1,403 2,131 5,136
Women 822 537 369 1,122 2,615 5,465
New bachelor's degree students (2021/2022) 6,110 2,740 2,592 5,025 8,466 24,933
Men 2,488 1,235 1,305 2,850 3,099 10,977
Women 3,622 1,505 1,287 2,175 5,367 13,956
Egresados (2020/2021) 5.394 2.713 2.646 5.043 10.443 26.239
Men 2,026 1,034 1,082 3,038 3,647 10,827
Women 3,368 1,679 1,564 2,005 6,796 15,412
Faculty members (PDI) (2021) 2,424 1,354 1,193 2,552 4,539 12,062
Men 1,451 717 716 1,724 2,458 7,066
Women 973 637 477 828 2,081 4,996
Administration and services staff (PAS) (2021) 1,422 707 604 1,519 2,037 6,289
Men 593 280 228 673 700 2,474
Women 829 427 376 846 1,337 3,815
Scientific articles published (2020) (*) 1,384 868 1,046 2,442 4,295 9,229
Doctoral theses approved (2020/2021) 188 98 88 325 518 1,217
Registered patents (2015-2020) 106 11 44 152 78 391

(*) The total number of articles published by the SUVP is not equal to the sum of the articles published by the different universities due to the collaboration of several universities in the same publication.


Transparency: the definition of each indicator and source of the data is public, to reinforce transparency and comparability.

  • Comparability: the definition of variables and the establishment of a common methodology for the calculation of the indicators are vital to allow comparability of information, both within and between the universities and over time.
  • Utility: SIUVP provides comprehensible information and metrics on university issues of general interest.
  • Reliability: the 5 Valencian universities are committed to ensure the quality of the information provided and its maintenance over time.
  • Validity: the variables and indicators are selected to reflect what actually is wanted to be measured.
  • Economy: It has established a system that minimizes the effort put in by the universities to supply the information, ensuring that the process of collecting, processing and data transmission is performed optimally.
Universitat de València
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Universidad de Alicante
Universitat Jaume I
Universidad Miguel Hernández
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